
The Economist till det fria ordets försvar

"So it is worth spelling out why free expression is the bedrock of all liberties. Free speech is the best defence against bad government. Politicians who err (that is, all of them) should be subjected to unfettered criticism. Those who hear it may respond to it; those who silence it may never find out how their policies misfired. As Amartya Sen, a Nobel laureate, has pointed out, no democracy with a free press ever endured famine. 
In all areas of life, free debate sorts good ideas from bad ones. Science cannot develop unless old certainties are queried. Taboos are the enemy of understanding. When China’s government orders economists to offer optimistic forecasts, it guarantees that its own policymaking will be ill-informed. When American social-science faculties hire only left-wing professors, their research deserves to be taken less seriously."
The Economist: Curbs on free speech are growing tighter. It is time to speak out. »

Läs även The Economists rapport: The muzzle grows tighter »

1 kommentar:

  1. Saker och ting börjar falla samman i västvärlden, vad som får sägas börjar sammanblandas med vad som "bör" sägas, fakta om vad som ÄR börjar sammanblandas med vad som "BÖR VARA". Institutioner och myndigheter skaffar egna PR-avdelningar.


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