
Bylund bloggar

Rätt långa, men jävla intressanta, texter hittar du på Per Bylunds nya blogg.

Länk: Colliding Softly...

1 kommentar:

  1. URsäkta inhoppet men...

    Det är sånt här som är roligast med politik.
    När inget spelar någon roll....bara det blir som jag vill....

    "Actually, we can tell you this: we will show you that all of these different kinds of anarchism are unnecessary and build walls between us which have no foundation but ignorance. As a matter of fact, many anarchist beliefs are impossible to reconcile with a (coercion-)free society. Are they then anarchist? The obvious answer is “no.” We will lead you towards a better understanding of anarchism and the idea of a free society--where no force is necessary to establish or uphold freedom and liberty"


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