I Klambergs bloggpost om utbyte av bankuppgifter mellan EU och USA förs en rasande intressant, om än rätt teknisk, diskussion i kommentarerna – om vilken information FRA egentligen kan uppsnappa. Länk»
Läs även Fritänks bloggposter Bankuppgifter och signalspaning och Att flyga under radarn.
Ty for the link, I believe that it was on the Mark Klamberg blog I first saw the idea of TIA and its resemblance to todays US data exchange. Somehow, I must have forgotten along the reading of trace links :)
SvaraRaderaSorry Mark, great blog btw. Fritänk too :P
I do hope that this will be the ammunition for some serious questions to the government.
For those of you who think: 'Buggar, we're phu*ced', don't despair. It will get worse before it can get better.