Trying to explain the current global economy to people in real estate here in Stockholm (the capital of scandinavia - and probably the universe ... Who made that bullshit up?? Gothenburg is so much more of a metropolis than the sad mega village of stockholm. Even Jönköping has got more puls). All of them are saying that lowering the interest stimulates the growth...
When I tell them, that spending money from even more mortgagees leads to bankruptcy when the real estate market collapses, they just say that the price-level of real estate is sound(!)
That is how a complete nation goes bankrupt. That is how come cheep watches has got 'quality' printed on the dial. That is how a village of deluded minds remember to put up signs saying 'Capital of the universe' while being champs only of petty-weave baskets.
Guess you're not the only one drunk-posting HAX XD
Anyhoo, ye'all just got a taste of nihilistic Mollemand. I find the American economy beautiful in the same kind of esthetics as a shot to pieces train station.
All of you, just take a minute to behold its beauty. Once you got your heart rate under control, there is a sense of zen-like calm in it.
We are in the eye of the interesting times' storm. Duck and cover, or face it with a big flipping smile. Either way wont matter. Its backside has picked up pace and it will pick you up too.
Vad tycks om förslaget med en Nordisk union? De nordiska länderna har faktiskt större kulturell och politisk gemenskap än vad svenskar, fransoser och spanjorer har.
Är det därför de som önskar kommentera anonymt inte får det?
SvaraRaderaTrying to explain the current global economy to people in real estate here in Stockholm (the capital of scandinavia - and probably the universe ... Who made that bullshit up?? Gothenburg is so much more of a metropolis than the sad mega village of stockholm. Even Jönköping has got more puls). All of them are saying that lowering the interest stimulates the growth...
SvaraRaderaWhen I tell them, that spending money from even more mortgagees leads to bankruptcy when the real estate market collapses, they just say that the price-level of real estate is sound(!)
That is how a complete nation goes bankrupt. That is how come cheep watches has got 'quality' printed on the dial. That is how a village of deluded minds remember to put up signs saying 'Capital of the universe' while being champs only of petty-weave baskets.
Guess you're not the only one drunk-posting HAX XD
SvaraRaderaAnyhoo, ye'all just got a taste of nihilistic Mollemand. I find the American economy beautiful in the same kind of esthetics as a shot to pieces train station.
All of you, just take a minute to behold its beauty. Once you got your heart rate under control, there is a sense of zen-like calm in it.
We are in the eye of the interesting times' storm. Duck and cover, or face it with a big flipping smile. Either way wont matter. Its backside has picked up pace and it will pick you up too.
Henrik (och alla andra)...
SvaraRaderaVad tycks om förslaget med en Nordisk union? De nordiska länderna har faktiskt större kulturell och politisk gemenskap än vad svenskar, fransoser och spanjorer har.
Expressen: Förslag på nordisk union
Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.
SvaraRaderaVisst, en nordisk union.
SvaraRaderaBara HQ får ligga i Helsingfors, så kan det nog funka bra.
Ett annat säkert tecken på maktambitioner är när "några" vill rädda "alla de andra" från nånting.
SvaraRaderaPer, jag tycker det låter som en intressant idé! :-)
SvaraRaderaDet var ju snack om detta redan när det röstades om EG på 90-talet.
SvaraRaderaTror att Finland var emot det, de ville ha en större organisation bakom sig vid en Rysk invasion.
Detta i posten ovan syftar på en Nordisk union.
Varför kan vi inte ha en jordisk union?
SvaraRaderaVi måste ju försvara oss från de hemska "klingonerna" från planeten Qo'noS som vill förslava oss?
De är på väg, våra regeringar hemlighåller det för oss.
(IRONI!!) :-)
Tycker du att feminism, kvotering och liknande diskrimineringar är fel?
SvaraRaderaKlicka då på namninsamlingen och var med och förändra vår framtid.