
Några Wikileaks-länkar

Oscar Swartz: Wikileaks eld - nu med nyval

Sagor från livbåten: Kampen om WikiLeaks är kampen om vår demokrati

Washington Post: WikiLeaks' resilience shows strength of Internet-age lifelines

5 kommentarer:

  1. WikiLeaks Founders Prosecution: A Brazen Effort to Kill Alternative Media & The Internet

    Now that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is in custody, we can expect the U.S. government to request his extradition and prosecute the Australian for espionage. "Any such proceedings would set up a test of whether the First Amendment's protection for a free press extends to a website with a worldwide audience," notes McClatchy today.

    The Supreme Court rejected a Nixon administration effort to stop the New York Times and the Washington Post from publishing the Pentagon Papers.

    In 1917 the United States enacted the Espionage Act, a law that has made it a crime to "willfully communicate" secret government information that could expose national secrets held by officialdom. Since the law was passed, however, the government has avoided prosecuting journalists for publishing classified information.

    "The First Amendment's freedom of speech and the press has protected journalists in the past, though it is not clear whether the courts would consider Assange a journalist," writes McClatchy.

    Assange's "actions are not those of a responsible journalist that would enjoy the protection of the Constitution," opines Jeffrey H. Smith, a former general counsel at the CIA. Government, of course, will decided what is responsible and irresponsible journalism and the high court will enshrine this in law.

    The establishment -- including its highest court -- may eventually restrict the First Amendment and have its protection apply only to selected corporate media journalists and other propaganda functionaries of the elite.

    Any such ruling by the Supreme Court will send a message to investigative journalists and alternative news organizations and publications -- you will be prosecuted for revealing "government secrets," in short it may soon be illegal to report information the government wants to keep hidden from the American people.

    According to a Congressional Research Service analysis, the Supreme Court has not resolved the question of "whether, in cases where information has been acquired unlawfully by a newspaper or by a source, government may ever punish not only the unlawful acquisition, but the ensuing publication as well."

    In 1971, the Supreme Court rejected a Nixon administration effort to stop the New York Times and the Washington Post from publishing the Pentagon Papers. Nixon's effort to prosecute leakers Daniel Ellsberg and the late Anthony Russo -- who were not journalists, but RAND corporation researchers -- was dismissed due to "prosecutorial misconduct."

    The Supremes indicated, however, that it would have been possible for the government to prosecute the newspapers involved.

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  3. Tämligen kul & ändå bra video om frekvensen(!) man måste försvara: internet.

    WWWAR on the Internet

    (hittades i Ipse Cogita-kommentar, via Apropå Assange... för ngn dag se'n här)

  4. Det här måste ses också:

    (Koreansk animerad film om Wikileaks. Featuring Sarah Palin med automatkarbin.)

  5. När JohanIII länkar till Rap News 4, så måste man ju se Rap News 5 också (Featuring Julian Assange)

    Wikileaks & the War on Free Speech

    Rap är inte riktigt min typ av musik, så följande person som intervjuas är för mig okänd, men det han pratar om...

    RT: Immortal Technique on Obama, 9/11 truth & Corporate America

    På åttiotalet kändes musik viktigt för mig. Jag lyssnade på, men uppfattade aldrig djupet i titelspåret till Lives in The Balance (1986)

    Jackson Browne - Lives In the Balance


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