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"However, there is one right that young people are less keen on extending to others: the right to say what you want. Overall, fewer than half of those polled agreed that people should be allowed to express non-violent opinions even if they offend minorities. In Britain and Germany, for instance, only 46% and 48% did.
The right to free speech is not absolute, as anyone who shouts “fire” in a crowded theatre will soon discover. At the same time, the recent polling data bolster the view that today′s youth are embracing a right not to be offended, which threatens to squelch necessary debate. Time will tell whether this group starts to dedicate itself to winning arguments rather than to preventing them from occurring."
The Economist: Young people and free speech »
SvaraRaderaEftersom det funkar bättre på engelska:
There is no such thing as a free lunch; indeed, one might claim with more than a little truth that there is no such thing as something free, period. Even the very act of breathing requires payment in the form of effort, which requires energy, which comes from food which in turn must be bought, stolen or foraged for.
How, then, can one claim to have 'free speach'? Is not the cost of ones stated opinion, or cherished ideal, the reaction said speech creates?
Action and reaction, cause and effect - and while we may be of the opinion that we all, each and every one, would benefit from the 'right' to publicly make a spectacle of ourselves - that opinion comes with a cost.
That cost being how willing you are to use deadly force to protect yourself and others. The cost of all rights is ultimately force, in some form or other, and when to rights conflict, to the victor goes the spoils and to the loser goes the duty of compliance.
Try as we might to strive towards peace and amicable co-existence - the one who disarms is usually the first victm.
Thus, the cost of 'free speach' is life, one´s own, or the aggressors.
Jag tror att vi svenskar har glömt de fundamentala sanningarna som alla ideal alltid måste bygga på.
Kamratliga hälsningar,
Rikard, fd lärare
RaderaIntressant att se Turkiet och Argentina sticka ut ur klungorna, att Tyskland och Turkiet är snarast spegelvända vet jag inte hur man ska tolka.
SvaraRaderaTror det var Douglas Murray som sade att ett samhälle där allt du tror på kan kritiseras är det enda som är värt att leva i.
SvaraRaderaSD är fastslaget odemokratiska med bruna rötter.
SvaraRaderaSom alla vet.
Alltså kan Ung Vänster och V:s gaphalsar storma och störa SD:s möte i Umeå i demokratins namn.
Dom menar bara väl.
Som alla vet.
MSM uppmärksammar det inte.Trots alla högtidliga ord, Charlie Hebdo flyter upp i minnet, så har ingenting just hänt i Umeä.I varje fall inte rent journalistiskt.
Det är ändå tur att vi har bibliotekarier som den censurerande biblotekstanten i Ekerö.Med värdegrunden i hösta hugg avgör hon vad medborgare får läsa.
SvaraRaderaEtt nytt jobb på FRA hägrar.