Nu kl 13 hålls en presskonferens om ACTA-avtalet i Europaparlamentet.
Medverkande är den gröna gruppens front man i ACTA-frågan, Jan-Philipp Albrecht och professor Douwe Korff. Professor Korff kommer att presentera sin studie om ACTA-avtalets inverkan på våra medborgerliga fri- och rättigheter.
Livestreamas kl 13 på:
Uppdatering: Presskonferensen ligger nu uppe på den gröna gruppens mediearkiv - för den som vill se den i efterhand.
Uppdatering: Rapporten Opinion on the compatibility of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) with the European Convention on Human Rights & the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights finns nu tillgänglig som PDF.
Uppdatering, några nyckelpunkter... "As the study points out, encouraging the 'cooperation' between internet providers and the content industry amounts to privatised policing, violating the rule of law and the right to fair judicial process. ACTA also allows for the monitoring of internet users without initial suspicion, the handing over of their personal data to rights holders on the basis of mere claims and the transfer of this data even to countries without adequate data protection, all of which is in clear conflict with legal guarantees of fundamental rights in the EU. The agreement does not contain 'fair use' clauses or exceptions for trivial or minimal infringements. It therefore tilts the balance - both in terms of substance and of process - unfairly in favour of rights holders and against users and citizens."
Resurser: Wikin Act-On-Acta och ACTA-bloggen (som också skriver om presskonferensen).
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