
Mer bakläxa för Margot Wallström

EU-kommissionären Margot Wallström kommer som bekant att leda den grupp som skall utforma socialdemokraternas utrikes- och EU-politik, samt partiets plattform inför EU-valet 2009.

Varför det är olämpligt, bloggar jag om här.

Och kommissionärseden, som förbjuder sådant, skriver jag om här.

Nu har jag grävt lite till.

Det finns även en uppförandekod – code of conduct – för EU-kommissionärerna. Här kommer några citat ur den...

"The Treaty articles on the Commission make special reference to the complete independence enjoyed by the Members of the Commission, who are required to discharge their duties in the general interest of the Community. In the performance of their duties they must neither seek nor take instructions from any government or from any other body."

"In addition, the general interest requires that in their official and private lives Commissioners should behave in a manner that is in keeping with the dignity of their office. Ruling out all risks of a conflict of interests helps to guarantee their independence (section 1)."

"Commissioners may hold honorary, unpaid posts in political, cultural, artistic or charitable foundations or similar bodies. They may also hold such posts in educational institutions. “Honorary posts” means posts in which the holder has no decision-making power in the management of the body in question. (...) Posts held on these terms shall under no circumstances involve any risk of a conflict of interest. They shall be listed in a declaration, laid down according to the model in annex to this Code."

"Commissioners shall inform the President of their intention to participate in an election campaign and the role they expect to play in that campaign. The President, taking into account the particular circumstances of the case, shall decide on whether the envisaged participation in the election campaign is compatible with the performance of the Commissioner’s duties."

Kan det uttryckas tydligare?

Margot Wallström bryter uppenbart mot EU-kommissionens uppförandekod. Och den kommisionärsed som hon svurit har hon, som sagt, också brutit mot.

Hon måste välja! EU-kommissionen eller Partiet?

Uppförandekoden finns i sin helhet längst ner på denna sida.

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