
Greenpeace grundare sågar The 11:th Hour

Dr. Patrick Moore, en av grundarna av Greenpeace, sågar Leonardo DiCaprios nya klimatalarmistiska film The 11:th Hour.

"As a lifelong environmentalist, I say trees can solve many of the world's sustainability challenges. Forestry is the most sustainable of all the primary industries that provide us with energy and materials. Rather than cutting fewer trees and using less wood, DiCaprio and Berman ought to promote the growth of more trees and the use of more wood.

Trees are the most powerful concentrators of carbon on Earth. Through photosynthesis, they absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and store it in their wood, which is nearly 50 per cent carbon by weight. Trees contain about 250 kilograms of carbon per cubic metre.

North Americans are the world's largest per-capita wood consumers and yet our forests cover approximately the same area of land as they did 100 years ago. According to the United Nations, our forests have expanded nearly 100 million acres over the past decade. (...)

To address climate change, we must use more wood, not less. Using wood sends a signal to the marketplace to grow more trees and to produce more wood. That means we can then use less concrete, steel and plastic -- heavy carbon emitters through their production. Trees are the only abundant, biodegradable and renewable global resource. (...)

This film should be a good, clear reminder for us to put the science before the Hollywood hype."


1 kommentar:

  1. Precis! Om jag hugger ned ett träd och gör möbler av det växer det ju upp ett nytt träd på samma plats som binder koldioxid. PLUS att möblerna jag gjort också binder koldioxid så länge jag inte eldar upp dem!

    Sedan ska man ju givetvis inte ta av regnskogen som har en tendens att inte växa tillbaka...


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