Vi behöver ett eget land, och massor av serverutrymme. Om man kan kringå det här med enkla tjänster och lägger servrar på, island? eller i andra informationsfria länder så har man en lukrativ marknad. Folk gillar ju att blogga och lägga upp videos, även om dom nu förbjuds att göra det.
"How many sheeple do you think actually know anything about this? Come on you could ask 1000 people on any street, "What do you think of the SOPA bill?" or "the government is passing a bill to stop online piracy but it will restrict all flow of information and log your every move online, would you support this?". You would get 1000 people looking at you like you had two heads. However if you asked 1000 people on the street who Kim Kardashian fucked last tuesday 950 or so could give you the correct answer. TPTB know the larger you expand the sphere of influence the more freedoms you can take away. A crowd is only as smart as its dumbest member. When you talk about the USA the bar is set half a notch above full retard. On the national level the USA is only capable of producing results looking like the incoherent scribbles hanging on the fridge of a proud retard's mom."
Stop Online Piracy Act betyder det!
TotalBiscuit är grymt bra!
SvaraRaderaVi behöver ett eget land, och massor av serverutrymme.
SvaraRaderaOm man kan kringå det här med enkla tjänster och lägger servrar på, island? eller i andra informationsfria länder så har man en lukrativ marknad.
Folk gillar ju att blogga och lägga upp videos, även om dom nu förbjuds att göra det.
"How many sheeple do you think actually know anything about this? Come on you could ask 1000 people on any street, "What do you think of the SOPA bill?" or "the government is passing a bill to stop online piracy but it will restrict all flow of information and log your every move online, would you support this?". You would get 1000 people looking at you like you had two heads. However if you asked 1000 people on the street who Kim Kardashian fucked last tuesday 950 or so could give you the correct answer. TPTB know the larger you expand the sphere of influence the more freedoms you can take away. A crowd is only as smart as its dumbest member. When you talk about the USA the bar is set half a notch above full retard. On the national level the USA is only capable of producing results looking like the incoherent scribbles hanging on the fridge of a proud retard's mom."
SvaraRadera/Säg "baaaaa"