
Bulls Eye

Nedanstående är klippt ur ett pressmeddelande från brittiska Libertarian Alliance.

Bakgrunden är att den brittiska regeringen höjt åldersgränsen för tobaksinköp från 16 till 18 år.

"We note with some amusement that in Tony Blair's New Britain, a man may sodomise a schoolboy in a public lavatory, and the police must look the other way; but if he gives the boy a cigarette afterwards, he will soon be committing a criminal act."

"The Libertarian Alliance actually welcomes the first of these situations. We do not believe it is the right of the State to regulate the lifestyle choices of persons who are or ought to be regarded as adults. But it is on the same principle that we denounce the second situation."

"The War on Smoking is a war on freedom. It is not the business of the State to tell adults what substances they can and cannot put into their own bodies. Arguments about the alleged harmfulness of these substances are beside the point. It is our right to do as we please with ourselves. To deny us this right demeans us from human beings to farm animals. A farmer will keep his cattle from harming themselves because they are his property. We are not the property of the State."


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