
Fredspriset 2014 - "Istället för att ge priset till makthavare bör Nobelkommittén ge det till dem som avslöjar makten"

Pressmeddelande från Piratpartiet...
Piratpartiet nominerar Chelsea Manning och Edward Snowden till Nobels fredspris 
Piratpartiets ledamöter i Europaparlamentet och i det isländska Alltinget nominerar Wikileaks-läckan Chelsea Manning och whistleblowern Edward Snowden till Nobels fredspris 2014. 
De två svenska ledamöterna av Europaparlamentet för Piratpartiet, Amelia Andersdotter och Christian Engström kommenterar nomineringen. 
-Manning gav oss insyn i krigets brutala verklighet och den politiska maktens dubbelspel. Och Snowden har avslöjat hur stater övervakar och kontrollerar våra informationsflöden. Sammantaget blir det en mycket stark bild. Det är därför vi nominerar de två tillsammans, säger Amelia Andersdotter. 
-Striden om fri information, medborgarrätt och individens rätt till privatliv står här och nu. Med vår nominering uppmanar vi Nobelkommittén att ställa sig på folkets och det öppna samhällets sida, säger Christian Engström. 
-När det gäller Chelsea Manning är det viktigt att visa att hon inte är bortglömd. Hon är dömd till 35 års fängelse för att ha avslöjat sanningen för medborgarna, ett straff som är både upprörande och skandalöst. Därför nominerar vi henne även i år, säger Amelia Andersdotter. 
-Edward Snowdens avslöjanden har bland annat lett till en omfattande granskning av massövervakningen från Europaparlamentets sida. Att ge honom Nobels fredspris skulle vara ytterligare en markering som visar att det demokratiska samhället ställer sig bakom hans handlande. Istället för att ge priset till makthavare bör Nobelkommittén ge det till dem som avslöjar makten, avslutar Christian Engström. 
Nomineringen av Manning och Snowden stöds av: 
Amelia Andersdotter, ledamot av Europaparlamentet för Piratpartiet, Christian Engström, ledamot av Europaparlamentet för Piratpartiet, Birgitta Jónsdóttir, Pirate Party Iceland, ledamot av Islands Allting, Jón Þór Ólafsson, Pirate Party Iceland, ledamot av Islands Allting och Helgi Hrafn Gunnarsson, Pirate Party Iceland, ledamot av Islands Allting.
Nomineringstexten i sin helhet:

Dear Nomination Committee of the Nobel Peace Prize,

We wish to nominate two outstanding candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize of 2014. It is our firm belief that Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden have achieved and exceeded all the qualifications required to be worthy laureates of the Nobel Peace Prize.

The nominees are both whistleblowers who have inspired change and encouraged public debate and policy changes that contributed to a more stable and peaceful world.

Chelsea Elizabeth Manning (born Bradley Edward Manning, December 17, 1987) is a soldier in the United States army who was sentenced to 35 years in a military prison in 2013 for releasing hundreds of thousands of documents to the whistleblower website WikiLeaks. The leaked documents pointed to a long history of corruption, serious war crimes, and a lack of respect for the sovereignty of other democratic nations by the United States government in international dealings.

These revelations have fueled democratic uprisings around the world, including a democratic revolution in Tunisia. According to journalistic, academic, and intellectual scrutiny her actions helped motivate the democratic Arab Spring movements, shed light on secret corporate influence on foreign and domestic policies of European nations, and, also contributed to the Obama Administration's agreement to withdraw all U.S.troops from occupied Iraq.

The profound information that was revealed by this courageous whistleblower helped to foster public dialogue on the legitimacy, suitability, and relevancy of the military interventions carried out by US troops both Iraq and Afghanistan. The release of these documents led directly to calls demanding the full withdrawal of the military forces from these countries, as well as investigating committees on the treatment of detainees in the Guantanamo Bay detention camp.

The documents and information should never have been kept from public scrutiny, and the very fact that embedded journalists minimized or omitted facts in the field exacerbated the corruption of the information flow. The revelations - including video documentation of an incident in which American soldiers gunned down Reuters journalists in Iraq - have fueled a worldwide discussion about the overseas military engagements of the United States, civilian casualties of war and the rules of engagement. Citizens worldwide owe a great debt to the WikiLeaks whistleblower for shedding light on these issues.

Edward Joseph Snowden (born June 21, 1983) is an American computer specialist, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee, and former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor who disclosed top secret NSA documents to several media outlets, initiating the NSA leaks, which reveal operational details of a global surveillance apparatus run by the NSA and other members of the Five Eyes alliance, along with numerous corporate and international partners.

He has, with great risk to his personal well-being and future, revealed the horrific scope of the global espionage network of the Anglo-American spy agencies. By releasing documents regarding the activities of clandestine agencies he has not only unveiled the global scale of mass surveillance which endanger a wide array of civil liberties (cornerstones of our liberties such as free speech and the right to privacy) but, he has also given the people of the world the necessary tools to counter the ever invasive path towards mass surveillance. Blatant violations to even the very basic human rights have been institutionalized by US government agencies while privacy has been classified in ALL the major international human rights charters and declarations.

The debate on mass surveillance cannot take place without the disclosure of the basic structures and methods of the corresponding secret spy programs. Citizens, researchers and politicians need insight into these methods to be able to weigh the social consequences and the possible resulting damage to the global society. Mass surveillance erodes the fundamentals of modern democracies; making local laws to protect privacy meaningless within it's global scope.

Snowden has shown us that journalists can no longer protect their sources, lawyers can't protect their clients and doctors can't protect their patients information. The concept of privacy has been redefined to complete exposure into no privacy. His actions have shown the rest of the world and its policy makers that joint global action needs to take place in order to reinstate constitutional rights of privacy for citizens which is completely essential to healthy democracies.
By leaking the documents to investigative journalists from independent media, Snowden has managed to carefully consider the balance between public interest and national security. By revising the source documents, he and his supporters avoided leaking highly sensitive information that might have put currently running operations and the people involved into danger.

Some might argue that Snowden acted against the law, however, mass secret surveillance is illegitimate as it undermines the sovereignty of the people over the state apparatus. It is very well known that at times of universal deceit just telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. When the state is acting outside the rule of law it is up to the citizens to report on such unlawfulness for the greater good of its peoples and principles for sustainability of the future.

Snowden and Manning courageously acted and as a result we have a more stable and peaceful world and far more of a possibility to develop/enact true democratic models.

We are nominating Manning and Snowden together because the courage of Manning inspired Snowden and both of them have inspired thousands of people all over the world to speak truth to power and demand transparency and accountability in their own societies.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Det finns ju "Det alternativa Nobelpriset" också, den där Uxkull eller vad han heter ger ut det. Kanske är det en mer sannolik prismöjlighet för en Snowden.

    Å andra sidan, den norska Nobelkommittén kan vara egensinnig. Och Solsjenitsyn som fick litteraturpriset på 70-talet, det var också en aning kontroversiellt när det begav sig.

    Vi lever i spännande tider. Hur lång tid tar det innan etablissemanget börjar krackelera i frågor som dessa?

  2. Edward J. Snowden Interview: 'They Wanted to Murder Me' (3:33 min)

    "It highlights the danger of privatizing government functions"

  3. Vilket otroligt hyckleri med tanke på hur PP behandlar Assange.

  4. Varför inte nominera Putin. Han har ju gjort minst lika mycket som Obama för freden i världen. Vore något att bita i för norska nobelkommitten. / bengan


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