
Václav Havel om den politiska maktens frestelser

I dag begravdes det fria Tjeckoslovakiens förste president Václav Havel. Tillsammans med Polens Lech Walesa var han förgrundsgestalten för alla oss som försökte stötta frigörelsen i det forna Östeuropa, så gott vi kunde, i våra länder.

Havel var författare, dramatiker och poet – inte politiker. Kanske hjälpte det honom att se allt så mycket klarare. Här är några klockrena citat ur det tal han gav när han 1991 mottog Sonning-priset för sina insatser för den europeiska civilisationen...

"I have never met a politician who could admit to the world, or even to himself, that he was running for office only because he wanted to affirm his own importance, or because he wanted to enjoy the perks that come with political power. On the contrary, we all repeat over and over that we care not about power as such but about certain general values. We say it is only our sense of responsibility to the community that compels us to take upon ourselves the burden of public office."

"...I find myself in the world of privileges, exceptions, perks; in the world of VIPs who gradually lose track of how much butter or a streetcar ticket costs, how to make a cup of coffee, how to drive a car, and how to place a telephone call. I find myself on the very threshold of the world of the communist fat cats whom I have criticized all my life."

"Again, being in power makes me permanently suspicious of myself. What is more, I suddenly have a greater understanding of those who are starting to lose their battle with the temptations of power. In attempting to persuade themselves that they are still merely serving their country, they increasingly persuade themselves of nothing more than their own excellence, and begin to take their privileges for granted."

"Someone who forgets how to drive a car, do the shopping, make himself coffee, and place a telephone call is not the same person who had known how to do those things all his life. A person who had never before had to look into the lens of a television camera and now has to submit his every movement to its watchful eye is not the same person he once was."

"He becomes a captive of his position, his perks, his office. What apparently confirms his identity and thus his existence in fact subtly takes that identity and existence away from him. He is no longer in control of himself, because he is controlled by something else: by his position and its exigencies, its consequences, its aspects, and its privileges."

"Politics is an area of human endeavor that places greater stress on moral sensitivity, on the ability to reflect critically on oneself, on genuine responsibility, on taste and tact, on the capacity to empathize with others, on a sense of moderation, on humility. It is a job for modest people, for people who cannot be deceived. (...) Politics, therefore, ought to be carried on by people who are vigilant, sensitive to the ambiguous promise of self-affirmation that comes with it. I have no idea whether I am such a person. I only know that I ought to be, because I have accepted this office."

Hela talet finns här.

Vila i frid, kloke man.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Min favorit essä är de maktlösas makt. Jag citerar den i Frihetssmedjan idag.


    God Jul, HAX!


  2. Idag begravdes Havel, den störste av alla tjecker och personlig vän med en annan av mina ungdomsidoler, Frank Zappa.

  3. Havel var författare, dramatiker och poet – inte politiker

    Direkt ur pkeliten kan man säga. Tack Gud för pkeliten.

    God Jul Henrik!
    Hoppas du får en bra avvägd Janssons frestelse till nubben..eller tvärtom :-)

  4. Nja pkeliten... Han farsa bryggde öl och tillhörde det kapitalistiska etablissemanget före 1948.

    Havels storhet var väl att han stod över exploaterande samhällssystem i allmänhet.

    Humanism är inte riktigt samma sak som pk...

  5. http://www.initiativesforchina.org/?p=897


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