Frankrike går vidare med idén om en europeisk fiskal union. Tyskland, å andra sidan, sätter klackarna i marken och påpekar att det viktiga just nu är finansiell stabilitet och att skapa resurser, det vill säga tillväxt.
Tyskland sänder dessutom en klar signal om att man inte är intresserade av tanken på en EU-skatt.
Open Europe sammanfattar de viktigaste kommentarerna...
German Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel said of the proposals floated by French Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron, “To my French colleagues, I say ‘You need to flesh this out’…Money must be generated for the Eurogroup budget…My big concern is that next someone will have the idea that this will be raised from ordinary people with a euro tax, or a value-added tax. I would be strictly against that.” CDU Deputy Parliamentary Chairman Ralph Brinkhaus took a stronger line saying, “This is not the time to demand a fundamental renewal and further deepening of the European Union…First of all we need to get to the point where the member states stick to the jointly agreed rules, for example on financial stability.”Vi skall vara rätt tacksamma för att tyskarna står upp för sans och realism. Och de har goda skäl. Det är deras stålar fransmännen vill åt.
Reuters: Germany cautious on French idea for eurozone fiscal transfers »
EMU = Freden i Versailles version 2!?
SvaraRaderaVad ledde det till nu igen?
Frankrike siktar på USE...
Tja, om EU skall överleva behövs antingen betydligt mer eller en del mindre central kontroll. Skulle personligen föreslå mindre. Praktiskt, förenklat, fungerande. Det där med "fredsprojekt" blir ofta ganska abstrakt och känslosamt.
Sir Humphrey: Oh Minister, let's look at this objectively. It is a game played for national interests, and always was. Why do you suppose we went into it?
Hacker: To strengthen the brotherhood of free Western nations.
Sir Humphrey: Oh really. We went in to screw the French by splitting them off from the Germans.
Hacker: So why did the French go into it, then?
Sir Humphrey: Well, to protect their inefficient farmers from commercial competition.
Hacker: That certainly doesn't apply to the Germans.
Sir Humphrey: No, no. They went in to cleanse themselves of genocide and apply for readmission to the human race.
"Yes, Minister", "The Devil You Know"